
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oliver's Baptism

Our sweet boy was baptized this past Sunday and I just can't get over how much joy that moment brought to us. He looked absolutely angelical with his beautiful outfit and the ceremony was very touching. 
We chose to have 4 godparents; my two good friends Pechy and Maria Isabel, my uncle Daniel and my brother in law Luis were the "chosen" ones for this event and I am so thankful for all of them giving us such honor. I know Oliver is lucky to have such wonderful people in his life for spiritual guidance and overwhelming love. 
Oliver threatened to be the disruptive baby at the start of the ceremony, but somehow he was able to settle down and fell asleep; he slept through the blessings, the water, the oil, the candle..he basically missed his own baptism! 
After the ceremony, we had an intimate family lunch at a local restaurant and ate some delicious baptism cake. 
It was such a beautiful day for our baby! Thank you God for this wonderful blessing.
Here are some pictures. 

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