
Friday, February 3, 2012

Potty Training Success!

It has taken me some time to make an official blog announcement, but Gaby finally did it! She is fully potty trained and I'm one happy mama!
I know in the big scheme of things this probably isn't a HUGE deal..but for us it is quite the accomplishment and it makes us so proud!
At first I couldn't believe it so I had a bit of resistance to give up the pull ups, but one day it just clicked for her, and when she spent a whole day in underwear with no accidents, I knew she was done with diapers and ready for to be a big girl!
I took her to Target to get some cute underwear and she was so proud of herself...
It has been 2 full weeks and I still can't stop bragging...
Silly?  Probably... but a nice step nonetheless!
Go Gaby!!!

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