Gaby has a temper! wow! Sometimes she is "short fused" for no reason and it drives me nuts...but I must admit that most of the time, she's really a joy to be around!
She is really starting to get into playing dress-up with Olivia and loves headbands, necklaces, bracelets, etc...
She still loves music and dancing and is a huge talker... she is in the "parrot" stage, where she repeats everything anybody says!
She is slowly breaking her pacifier habit, which makes me really happy.. for a week or so she even stopped sleeping with it, but then we caved one night and she still uses it for bedtime...oh well! It can't all be so perfect, right?
As far as potty training goes...we haven't even started! She goes crazy if I dare to even walk by a potty with her..it's nuts...she's obviously not ready for that yet...not even a little bit...so..it will wait!
Anyways, you get the point... I love my baby and everything she is... and I'm looking forward to her 2nd birthday and her party!
Happy 22 months Gaby!!!
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