
Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Baby fever"... yes... again!

So, I've got the "baby fever" yet again! It feels so crazy because I'm so busy with my girls but I so badly want to be pregnant again!...
Is it weird to feel this way? I mean.. I have a beautiful family and I feel complete...I've got my hands full with work, grad school, a wonderful marriage, etc, etc, but wouldn't it be wonderful to have ha! I think so!
But as wonderful and easy as it sounds, it's NOT happening.. at least not any time soon... I have tried to convince Iggy but he just isn't buying it...
He hasn't closed the door completely on the whole "let's have another baby" idea, but he says right now it's not the time...
I, sadly, totally understand his reasons and deep down agree with him...
But we shall see... maybe it's just not in the cards for us... or is it?? ;)


I Just Love You said...

in a couple months, when i'm complaining of the lack of sleep, crying and frustrations, you'll be happy. :)

Katie said...

When is it ever really the 'right' time?! I hope it happens for you sooner than later!

Stories of a Happy Mom said...

Maggie- you're right! Why is it that us moms forget about those horrible first few monhts? Ha!

Katie- It's not about timing is about whether or not a 3rd baby is the right move for our family... It's s huge decision!

Los Diaz-Salvioli o Salvioli Diaz? said...


Yo te entiendo porque yo aun no he descartado la idea de un tercer bebe, pero este momento no es el mas adecuado para nosotros. Tu todavia eres joven asi que tienes tiempo para pensar en un tercer bebe. Ademas, como bien lo dices, tienes bastante proyectos (posgrado) ahora. Pienso que todo en su debido tiempo.

Ademas, me tienes que esperar para el tercer bebe! jejeje