So, here's the story...
Last week Gaby had her 18-month check-up, she was 22 lbs and 31.5 in; the doctor found her very advanced and super healthy...
After the check up, he decided to do a routine blood count, so I agreed... once the test was done I waited for the results...
10 minutes went by and Dr. M walked in the door, his face looked pale and his worry was evident.. he showed me the results and told me Gaby's white blood cells were VERY high (normal range is 5-10, hers was at 20).. Please take into consideration that a high blood count could mean anything from an infection to leukemia!
I freaked out (of course) and then got mad, because I really hate it when doctors scare me.. He insisted on sending Gaby to a hematologist RIGHT AWAY...
Fast forward a week (turns out the hematologist appointment wasn't such an emergency), I took Gaby to see Dr. L to get some more testing done. Dr. L assessed her and said everything looked just "fine", she then proceeded to repeat the blood count to verify last week's results... Well, after an hour of waiting, her results came up and everything was PERFECT! Her count was down to 14 and I was informed the normal range for kids Gaby's age is actually 6-17 and it gets elevated when kids have a cold or when they get too excited (or irritated, which Gaby did when her little finger got poked)... all of which my "lovely" pediatrician neglected to tell me.. how SUCKY is that??? How could you put me through a week of hell for no reason?? Is that what you call good medical care??
Needless to say I was more than relieved when I heard the news and mad at Dr. M for scaring me and making me waste my time (and Gaby's)... very, very crappy... but yeah, she's PERFECT and I'm happy for that!
happy to hear all is well...it's common practice to repeat a blood test before looking further into the results. your ped must not deal with this much at all.
Yeah! I'm definitely looking into switching doctors.. I like that he is thorough.. but I think he's also a bit of an alarmist!
Wow Adriana, I'd be mad too! Glad everything turned out okay!
I'd be upset with the dr too! I'm glad everything's well and Gaby so healthy :-)
Que susto! No se cual es el empeƱo de los doctores de asustarlo a uno. Yo entiendo que lo hacen por lo del "liability" pero a veces exageran. El pediatra que tenemos ahorita es un viejito americano de esos que son tranquilos y que no buscan efermedades donde no las hay. De hecho, el ha sido super cuidadoso con el tema de los oidos de Alessandra y siempre nos ha hablado claro sin alarmarnos.
Menos mals que todo fue un susto y que Gaby esta bien.
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