
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is it time yet??

... for "potty training"?? I've been thinking a lot about the biggest challenge in mommy life (to me anyways).. P O T T Y T R A I N I N G!!! I hate it but we MUST do it...
By the time Olivia was 18 months she would *at least* pee in the potty when I sat her down, she would even enjoy sitting in the potty just because...
Gaby? She's another story.. she basically thinks it's a game and when I ask her "do you want to go pee pee in the potty?".. all she says is "no potty, no potty"... it's quite hilarious but very frustrating... I really want to be done with diapers by the time she's 2!. it's NOT looking good! Ha!
But she's SUCH a BABY still, or at least that's what Iggy seems to think... He keeps saying "..but she's so little"... and she is, but should I invest (or waste) my time taking on this task? Now.. THAT's the question!
We shall see!... hopefully soon!


Hurdles of Life said...

I guess I think you have to go with Gaby on this one. If she says "no potty" than she isn't ready. But, from dealing with a 3 yr old who was not fully potty trained, I wouldn't ask her.. I would tell her, "Its time to go potty" We also read "When You've Got to Go" with Bear & the Big Blue House. And that seemed to help her figure out that it was okay to go.. even in the middle of something she thought was important.

BrookesMommy said...

I only have Brooke, but I think the kids let you know when they're ready. For a long time, Brooke was super interested in the potty and was peeing in it regularly - then I got away from it and now I'm worried I missed my window. I think if Gaby isn't ready yet, wait until she's closer to 2 - she will show some interest when she's ready! I would imagine that if you try to push it too much when they're not ready, it's much harder for Mommy and baby!