So Olivia had another dance class today and while she seemed to have fun, she said she no longer wants to attend dancing… wow! That was fast!
After 35 minutes of class (it’s supposed to last 45 minutes), she came out of the studio and said to me, “I’m tired! I want to go home”… I bribed her into going back in and finishing her class and she did! BUT when we were in the car, she sincerely told me “Mommy, I don’t like ballet! I don’t want to go back to that class!”…
What am I supposed to do in this situation? I obviously don’t want to force her to like ballet, but I can’t help to ask myself “does she really mean it? Is she really aware of what she’s saying?”
I know she likes dancing, but maybe ballet just isn’t for her? What if I take her one more time and test it out again?? Would that be ok? I know she loves to dance, so why is ballet so wrong for her?
I really want her to be enrolled in “extra-curricular” activities and I thought ballet would be a sure bet but now I’m thinking I was wrong…
What’s next then? What do you recommend for a very active 3 year old? Gymnastics? Swimming? Anything else??

yo se como te sientes. Isabella no quiere ir mas a la natacion. Ni siquiera consiente meterse en el agua. Yo creo que le deberias dar otra oportunidad. Quizas la clase es muy larga o se sienta solita porque no conoce a nadie. Habla con ella y preguntale que es lo que mas le gusta de bailar, que es lo que menos le gusta y trata de que te ensene a ti sus nuevos pasos de ballet a ver si asi se entusiasma mas. Yo estoy segura que es cuestion de tiempo hasta que ella agarre el gusto por la clase.
There are so many different types of dance maybe its just a matter of trial and error... ballet can be sort of boring.. and oli is still little.. maybe trying a type of dance that is more active and exciting like jazz or tap? Gymnastics is always good to.
i was the kind of girl who hated anything girly...maybe she's more of a gymnastics kind of girl? something more physical?
I agree with everyone's comments maybe she should try jazz!
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