
Friday, August 20, 2010

The love for a child...

Before I was a mother, I always heard people say "a child is the greatest blessing" or "you don't know how to be a daughter, until you're a mother" or "the love for a child is the greatest in the world", and many other things along those lines...
Well, the truth is that there is not greater love than the love for your child and what that child represents simply cannot be put into words... it is so amazing and so surreal...
When I was pregnant I certainly didn't know what was coming... I sometimes even doubted people when they told me "you will love her right away"... until I held my girls in my arms for the first time... that feeling is the best example of "love at first sight" wow!
So... yesterday I attended an Open House for Olivia's new school year and started to make some comments about the school policies... As I was speaking, I realized that no one can love my children like I do and it made me sad to think that a stranger gets to spend 8 hours a day with this wonderful little being that is my daughter! I got really emotional and once again the supreme love I feel for my children was reassured...
For all the mommies out there and mommies to be, enjoy the love for your child, it is indeed the greatest of all loves and every moment spent with your children is so priceless...
Here are two pictures of the first moments I spent with my children...these memories will forever live in my mind... I love my children like I will never love anything or anyone else in this world!

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