I have been wanting to go to Paris for a long time and for whatever reason I've been putting it off... well.. I said no more! let's do it!
After much thought, I finally convinced Iggy and we went ahead and booked our trip... it has been over a week since I bought the tickets and I still can't believe it.. this is going to be so exciting!!!
It will be just the two of us this time as my mom will be watching the girls while we're gone!
We'll be leaving to Paris on May 21st until the 30th...I know that the day I stand by the Eiffel Tower, I will cry... and then I will cross one of the items on my "dream" list!
Thank you God for yet another dream come true!
That's awesome! I'm so jealous!
adri, esto no tiene nada q ver, aunq seguro tomarás fotos bellas... el punto es q en mi lista de cosas por cumplir está hacer un curso de fotografía... no sé cuándo, pq son caros, pero quería recomendaciones sobre cámaras y lentes, por fa. Un beso, y saludos
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