My Olivia is such a little lady.. she is too smart for her own good... she amazes me every day with every new discovery she makes... it's awesome...
She is turning into my accomplice and I simply love it...
She's a very big girl, weighing in at 31 lbs and almost 39 inches..
Although sometimes she does act like a typical disruptive 2-year old, she has gotten better at obeying our requests, following directions and staying calm when we ask her... it gets better and better every day and that's a relief... it's definitely a long way since she turned 2 and I seriously thought I would not survive the infamous "Terrible Twos"...Thank God this isn't so bad!
Olivia loves her baby sister and cannot get enough... it's too cute... She also loves hanging out with me and going out in the car... every time we're home, she tells me "mommy, let's go in the car"...
She is sleeping in her big girl bed every night and is 100% potty trained... She also loves pretend play and is great at imagining toys and friends...she loves dressing up with princesses costumes and walking around in high heels... typical girly girl! ;)
Happy 28 months Oli!
1 comment:
Our kids are growing up so fast!
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