As some of you know, my girls have been a bit sick and we've been dealing with a sick house for the past week or so..
Well.. yesterday Gaby got much worse so I decided to take her to the doctor. She was extremely congested and had been running a fever for a day or so. She was also sounding really hoarse and could barely breathe. As soon as the doctor saw her, he told me "she doesn't sound good".. and also noticed that she had a very bad ear infection and had a focus on her right lung...
He did a quick nebulizer treatment with Albuterol and assessed her again. She was still breathing rapidly and labored, so he sent us to the ER for x-rays and blood work...
At first, the attending doctor said it might be pneumonia and I, of course, was totally freaking out!... The nurses put an IV on her little arm and start poking her to get blood samples..
Seeing her in that bed, hooked up to IVs and cables was probably the most terrifying experience I've ever lived... I was crying with her and for her...
After a few horrible hours, the test results came back, and although she didn't have pneumonia, she was diagnosed with bronchiolitis, which is fairly common in infants. She was discharged and we came home. There's another doctor's appointment tomorrow for a new assessment and subsequent treatment. I really hope she gets better soon... it is plain horrible to see her like that.. my poor baby! :(
Awww poor peanut! Those are some of the saddest pictures ever! We will be praying for a quick recovery for Gaby:(
hope shes feeling better :(
thats so crazy!!! i hope she's doing better xoxo!!
Oh MY!!! I got teary just reading this. Stay Strong Mommy!!! I hope she feels better very soon :)
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