The appointment went fairly well, she cried some when she got the shot and the doctor said that her development is right on track; he said, however, that Gaby has not gained enough weight since her last appointment and he expressed some concern because she's below the 50th percentile for her weight. She currently weighs 8lbs 14oz and measures 21 1/4 in; the doctor thinks she should be at least 9 1/2 lbs. He asked if she was eating right and I said yes; then he said I shouldn't worry too much since she might just be naturally skinny... Of course, I'm worried because I feel that I'm doing something wrong and it's my fault that she's not gaining enough weight...
As a reference, I decided to check Olivia's baby book and realized that by the time Oli was a month old, she was already 10lbs 4oz, which only makes me even more worried... I know it's just numbers and not all babies are the same, but I can't help but stress out about it... I can only hope Gaby starts to gain more weight and she continues to be a healthy baby....
She is beautiful Adriana.
Please don't stress over her weight. As long as she is developing correctly (which she is), I'm sure she is just fine. She is a beautiful little girl Adriana!
She is such a cutie pie. Don't worry about the weight gain. Erin did the same thing, but caught up by the time she was one:).
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