As I posted a couple of days ago, I continue to struggle with finding the "perfect" double stroller, one that we both love and are crazy about...
I decided to take Iggy to the store to look at all the strollers I've been considering and to finally get some input from the daddy...He didn't like the Sit-N-Stands at all and thinks they're too heavy (I happen to agree), so he decided to look more deeply into my first choice, the Phil & Ted's stroller...
After trying out the one I had suggested, he started
looking at the other Phil & Ted's
strollers and found another two that he really likes... pictures below...
This is the Sport buggy, the first one I looked at....It's about $500 and weighs 23lbs (not bad for a double)

This one is the Dash, which I also happen to like. It is $679 and a couple of pounds lighter.. also very hip! After seeing this one, I decided I like it even better than the sport buggy.. but it is a little pricey...

Finally this is the Vibe, which is the one Iggy likes best. It is almost $700 and a bit heavier, but he insists it looks more sturdy and durable... Not sure if it's worth spending that much money, but we'll see...

So, here I am, even more confused than I was before... I find that I really like those Phil & Ted's strollers, but I'm still not "in love" with any of them... they seem so hard to maneuver and just so bulky... Any suggestions?
I like the second one. Good luck!
I have the sport buggy (they didnt have the others when I got mine) If I could get a new one I would get the 2nd one. I love the sport but there is really no padding like the vibe or dash. It is not hard to manuver at all. Its actually really nice and easy to push alot easier then any other doubles I have tried. I would recomended getting the panier (sp?) bags for the side to put your stuff in. If you have any other ?s feel free to ask.
oh and on the sport for the sun canopy you have to button it to stay open (un button to fold back) that is a pain the others you can just flip open and closed
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